Events and Visits
Visits and Internships:
Student Researcher at Google, hosted by Paul Duetting. 2021 - 2022
Research Intern at Google, hosted by Paul Duetting. Summer 2021
Visit to Michal Feldman and Amos Fiat at Tel Aviv University. April - June 2021
Visit to Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi at Milan University. October 2020
HALG24. IGAFIT Highlights of Algorithms Workshop, Warsaw. Short talk & poster
KmT24. Kolmogorov meets Turing Workshop, Rome. Invited Speaker
MIW24. Marketplace Innovation Workshop, Virtual. Short talk & poster
WALE22. Workshop on Algorithms for Learning and Economics, Greece. Short talk & poster
HALG22. Highlights of Algorithms, London. Short Talk & poster
HALG21. Highlights of Algorithms, London (virtual event). Short Talk
ALGADIMAR, Annual Meeting 2020. Virtual event. Short Talk
HALG20. Highlights of Algorithms, Zurich (virtual event). Short Talk
Cassini Junior Workshop 2020. Artificial intelligence: a glimpse of techniques ethical issues & interaction with humanities. Organizer
MAPLE2019. Markets, Algorithms, Prediction and LEarning, Milan. Invited Speaker