Personal Web Site of Federico Fusco
Welcome to my Web Page
Hi, I am Federico Fusco, an RTDA* at Sapienza University of Rome.
Previously, I was a PostDoc and completed my PhD under the supervision of Stefano Leonardi at the same University.
My Research Areas are Algorithmic Game Theory, Online Learning, and Submodular Maximization. I am also generally interested in Algorithms and Machine learning.
Some links: DBLP, Google Scholar, Scopus.
*RTDA is an Italian position loosely equivalent to non-tenured Junior Professor.
Short Bio:
2023 - present: RTDA at Sapienza;
2022 - 2023: postDoc at Sapienza;
2021 - 2022: Student Researcher at Google Zurich;
2021: Research Intern at Google Zurich;
2018 - 2022: PhD in Data Science, XXXIV cycle, Sapienza.
email: federico.fusco (at)
Office: Room B118. Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering Antonio Ruberti, Sapienza Università di Roma. Via Ariosto 25, 00185 Roma, Italy
We are organizing with Andrea, Stefano, Yuri, Carmine, and Riccardo the Second Workshop on Algorithms, Learning, and Games (ALGA 25) that will be held this Summer in Sardinia.
The paper "The Cost of Consistency: Submodular Maximization with Constant Recourse" with Paul, Silvio, Ashkan, Ola, and Morteza has been accepted at STOC'25 [arXiv]
The paper "Online Learning with Sublinear Best-Action Queries" with Matteo, Andrea, Riccardo, Daniel, Dima, Stefano, and Niek has been accepted at NeurIPS'24 [arXiv]
The paper "Beyond Primal-Dual Methods in Bandits with Stochastic and Adversarial Constraints" with Martino, Matteo, and Andrea has been accepted at NeurIPS'24 [arXiv]
The paper "Pandora's Box Problem Over Time" with Georgios, Federico, Rebecca, and Artem has been accepted at WINE'24 [arXiv]
I will receive the Italian "Award for Best Young Researcher in Theoretical Computer Science" from the Italian Chapter of EATCS at the ICTCS conference. See you in Turin!